NJ Discrimination Lawyer | New Jersey Discrimination Attorney

Are you looking for a NJ Discrimination Lawyer?  Our firm can assist you with any claim for discrimination in the State of New Jersey.  We have handled hundreds of discrimination cases throughout New Jersey on behalf of victims of age discrimination, pregnancy discrimination, race discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination and many other protected characteristics under...
NJ Discrimination Lawyer | New Jersey Discrimination Attorney Continue reading…

Divorcing Employees Protected from Discrimination, Says Appeals Court In New Jersey

The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) outlaws workplace discrimination on basis of many things, including “marital status.”  On Friday, the New Jersey Appellate Division ruled that a male employee married to a female coworker who then was separated and in the processing of her could not be fired because his boss was worried...
Divorcing Employees Protected from Discrimination, Says Appeals Court In New Jersey Continue reading…

Will New Jersey Propose a Ban on New Jersey Non-Compete Agreements?

New Jersey enforces non-compete agreements that are found to be limited in time, geographic scope and limited to protect the legitimate business interests of the Company.  On April 10, 2014, Massachusetts' Governor Deval Patrick proposed an economic development plan that would ban non-compete agreements and restrictive covenants within the state.  The stated reason for...
Will New Jersey Propose a Ban on New Jersey Non-Compete Agreements? Continue reading…

Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) Passed By Senate

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act has been passed in the Senate, but still awaits approval from the House of Representatives.  This bill, known as ENDA, secures non-discrimination employment rights for the LGBT population, who were not previously protected under other laws.  This means that no one may be fired or discriminated against in the workplace...
Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) Passed By Senate Continue reading…