changes to severance agreements for both union and non union employees scaled

Changes to Severance Agreements for Both Union and Non-Union Employees

Recently, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruled that specific non-disparagement and confidentiality clauses in severance agreements could violate the rights of both union and non-union employees. 

The NLRB held that these clauses prevent employees from engaging in protected activity under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations...

Changes to Severance Agreements for Both Union and Non-Union Employees Continue reading…
examples of pregnancy discrimination

3 Common Examples of Workplace Pregnancy Discrimination

It may be surprising, but workplace discrimination and harassment still occur in 2022, even after the #MeToo movement. 

Federal laws prohibit employers from discriminating against employees based on certain protected classifications and characteristics. These classifications include a prohibition against discriminating based on an employee’s pregnancy.


3 Common Examples of Workplace Pregnancy Discrimination Continue reading…
what kinds of unfair treatment can qualiify as discrimination in the workplace

What Kinds of Unfair Treatment Can Qualify as Discrimination in the Workplace?

It’s easy to feel slighted at times in the workplace — maybe you’ve been passed over for a promotion you thought was definitely yours, or perhaps another coworker was given the prime sales territory. 

Sometimes, such slights are just part of the job, but other times, especially if you’re...

What Kinds of Unfair Treatment Can Qualify as Discrimination in the Workplace? Continue reading…